Who Wrote The Rule Book On How We Should Live Life!?
Updated: Jul 11, 2023
I’ve always felt like I have had quite a rebellious mindset. I was a nightmare as a kid (my poor parents), because I have never liked being told what to do or how I should be. To this day, in many aspects of life, I still have the mentality of who says?
This is the idea that I am exploring with you today.
Sometimes we can feel that we need to follow this plan of life, get a good job, get married, buy a house, have kids etc, but I have a problem with that. Who says that we should live our lives that way? What if someone doesn’t want that life, do they have to follow the same path as everyone else? All because other people seem to follow this way of life, does that means everyone else has to?
I don’t understand where this whole, you need to follow what everyone else is doing idea came from. There are no rules on how you need to live your life and so if you want to take a completely different direction then do it. Live life how you desire to live it, all because it does not follow the social norms, doesn’t mean that it is not the correct way to live.
There is no rule book on how to live life (apart from laws, I would suggest following that bit). I believe that we are drawn to this way of living because it is a structure in the chaos that is the world we live in, and as a species we like order.
I also believe that this idea of life should be mapped out in a certain way is drilled into us at such a young age that we don’t really have the opportunity to decide what we want to do. Through no fault of anyone’s, we have just created this perception of what the ideal life should be and are teaching this to other generations who are just going to believe the same and thus creating a continuous cycle of this is how to win at life teachings.
However, I am here to tell you today that this is not the case, I am hereby giving you the right to live how you want to live.
So, the next time you are worried that you are not following the societal idea of how life should be lived, just remember that it’s okay, you are living life how you wish to live it and there is nothing wrong with that at all.