The Secret to a Happy Life!
Updated: Jul 11, 2023
I don’t know about you, but my entire life I have heard phrases such as “The secret to a happy life is…” “In order to achieve a happy life you have to…” “It’s all about having a happy life”, and to be honest, the advice given isn’t always bad, but it’s also not always achievable. However, today, I am going to give you the secret ingredient of a truly happy life. The missing link that will make all your problems just disappear and you will be walking around constantly with a huge smile on your face. FYI it’s not drugs, I know it sounds like it’s going to be drugs, but I assure you it’s not drugs.
Here it is, the secret ingredient to being happy….
The secret ingredient is….
Not aiming for happiness.
Wait? What?! How does that make sense? I hear you asking. Let me explain.
It is unrealistic to aim for complete and total happiness 100% of the time, and doing so is probably going to have an adverse effect. People are complicated, they can’t just live their life with 1 emotion, and the unfortunate truth is the world around you isn’t just happy sunshine and rainbows, so how can you be?
Something that is much more achievable and much more manageable is aiming to be content in life. So even if things get you down (which is still perfectly okay), overall if life is just fine, and in having that mindset you can find moments of happiness and move on from those down moments much easier. On the back of that, it is important to remember as well that you are going to have bad days, everyone has bad days and that’s okay. You can try and turn it around or you can write it off and try again tomorrow. You just have to remember that the bad days do not last forever.
So, the next time someone tells you to aim for happiness, tell them that actually, you’re going to aim to be content today.