Struggle To Say No? Here Are 50 Ways To Say No!
There are a lot of people out there (me included), who struggle to say no, so what I have done for you is create a list of different ways you can tell someone no and make it very clear to help out!
1. No
2. Hmmm let me think, no!
3. Absolutely not!
4. You have no chance.
5. Nada.
6. Nope.
7. No way Josè.
8. Not in a million years.
9. No way.
10. I would rather stick pins in my eyes.
11. Think of yes, now the opposite, that’s my answer.
12. I’m afraid not.
13. Unfortunately, I can’t do this.
14. Unfortunately, not.
15. Nah.
16. No can do!
17. Yeah, I don’t think so.
18. I think I’ll pass.
19. Nopety nope.
20. I would rather sit on a cactus.
21. As much as I would love to I cannot I’m afraid.
22. I’m going to have to decline.
23. I appreciate what you are saying but no, sorry.
24. It’s a no from me.
25. Thank you, but no.
26. It’s not something that I am interested in.
27. I’m not able to do that right now.
28. That’s not for me.
29. I don’t want to do that.
30. I would rather wipe my bum with sandpaper.
31. I wish I could but I can’t.
32. If I could, I would, but I can’t so shan’t.
33. I don’t think this is something I would be interested in.
34. Maybe another time.
35. This is not something I am going to partake in.
36. Heck no!
37. I just can’t
38. This not something I would be interested in.
39. No thanks, it does sound great though!
40. I would rather eat multiple mouthfuls of sand.
41. I regret to inform you the answer is no.
42. I do not regret to inform you the answer is no.
43. This is not something I am able to do.
44. Request… denied.
45. I’m out.
46. Not gonna happen.
47. Count me out.
48. I shall not.
49. I do not think so.
50. I would rather dangle my legs in shark-infested water.
Now, some of these may seem harsher than others, so when saying no make sure to choose the one appropriate to the situation, for example, if your boss asks you to pick some extra work, I personally would not reply with “I would rather wipe my bum with sandpaper.” However, I might instead say “I’m not able to do that right now.”
All in all, you just have to remember, saying no is perfectly fine and actually it is quite empowering to say no, as it allows you the freedom to do what you feel is right for you.