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Quick Tip: One Way To Get Yourself Out Of A Mental Block!

We all have it. We are trying to get the creative juices flowing, or trying to deal with something and we just can’t. We have a mental block. Our mind is just too cloudy, or it is just too busy so we cannot focus.

Well, what if I told you there is something that you could do right now to help with this?

I imagine you would say something like:

Oh my gosh, Jake! I would actually love you forever, you are the bestest person in the entire world.

And you would be correct.

This is a tip that I discovered quite a few years ago and you may or may not have heard it before, but in order to get all those juicy brain juices flowing, you need to find your spot.

Thinking in the Shower
Image Credit: Unsplash

What’s my spot? I hear you ask.

Your spot is a place where everything just seems to align, your mind becomes clear, and you are able to just think. It is different for everyone. I am greedy and have 2. My first one is when I am in the shower, no idea what it is, maybe it is the surround sound of the water blocking everything else out giving me the chance to just think, but it is very effective. The other is when I go on a walk.

When I am walking, I walk with a goal, if I know something is bothering me or I need to push an idea out, I will walk with the intention of getting it sorted and so will find a nice walking spot where not many people are and will just walk and think. The mixture of being outside, surrounded by nature and life, and being isolated in that is the perfect blend to get me thinking.

You may be thinking to yourself…

This is ridiculous, not everyone has a spot where they just think.

Well, I will happily challenge you on that, go exploring, try and think in different places and I guarantee eventually you will find your spot. I have spoken to many people about this, and for some it is when they are driving, others it is a very specific place, I once spoke to someone who said they had their best ideas when they were on the toilet, and someone else who drove miles away to a specific holiday home as they did their best work there.

No matter what it is, go and find your spot.

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Picture of Jake, the founder of Fat Brain

Hi there, at Fat Brain, I am dedicated to helping people from all walks of life by getting them to share their thoughts and ideas. I believe in trying to look at life with a realistic but positive mindset. I truly think that everyone has something valuable to bring to the table. I strive to create an online space where people can come together to share their stories, learn from each other, and be inspired by the collective wisdom of this community. 


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