How To Deal With Bad Days!
Normally, when we wake up feeling not quite right for whatever reason, it is usually met with phrases such as “well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning” or “What’s wrong with you today”, and whilst we should do our best to not take out any negative feelings on those around us, these phrases can just make us feel worse.
So, today, I am here to tell you…
It’s okay to have bad days!
Some days you are going to wake up and it is just going to be one of those days. It may just be that you’re overly tired, or your social battery is running low, or you are just in a bit of a grump. Whilst they are not great to go through, it is important to know that these days are going to happen. You could have the best life in the world, loving family, friends, a great career, but you’re still going to wake up not feeling your best, and that’s perfectly fine.
What do you do in these situations?
Well, there are a couple of things you can do to try and help. These are:
Find the route of the problem.
One thing that you can do is locate the route of the problem. If you can find the cause, then you are able to prevent it from happening moving forward, and on top of that, you can also implement some quick fixes. It could be that you have woken up feel really tired because you are overworked or are not having as much sleep as normal. In this case, maybe you go take a nap, or reassess your workload to prevent it from happening moving forward. Just take some time out to think about what could be causing your bad day and put the fixes in place to try and reduce these.
Wait it out.
Some days you are just going to wake up and be in a bad mood, and you don’t know what the cause is. In that case, one thing you can do is just wait it out. Chill out for the day, take it easy, try not to do too much that is going to make your mood worse. One thing that I think is really important to do is tell those close to you that you are not feeling great, you don’t know why, and it is nothing personal or to do with them, and then tell them what you need (it could be space, together time, coffee trip, etc). Then when the next day comes you may find that you are absolutely fine. If not maybe go back to trying to find the route of the problem.
Force yourself to do something you enjoy to make you feel better.
I know the word forced here does not seem ideal. However, sometimes you have to just push through the barrier and do something that is going to make you feel better. If I am having a bad day, something that really helps me out is going for a swim or going for a walk, just me alone with my thoughts, gives me a chance to just release any negativity I am feeling, and then even if I am not fully back to a happy chappy, I will at least feel a little better, which increases my chances of being a lot better the next day.
All in all, the main thing to remember is that regardless of whether you would like to or not, some days are just going to be rough, if this is an accepted concept you tend to actually find that it makes it easier to get through, as it helps you to understand that it is not forever.