How To Be More Body Positive Right Now!
Updated: Jul 11, 2023
When it comes to body positivity you tend to hear all the same thing. It is all about learning to love your body for how it is, you are perfect just the way you are, don’t let anyone tell you differently, be happy with what you have, which is great! A really pleasant, positive message! However, the question that comes to my mind when I am told this is how sustainable is that?
If our aim is to think we are perfect and have no faults and the way that we are is unmatched, how does that help us on the days we do feel fat, or we do feel ugly? Surely, if we try and force this false perception that we need to think we are perfect all the time, it sets unrealistic expectations.
The message is great and positive, however, in practice, I think it can be improved. So here are my thoughts…
I tend to find that the best way to be comfortable in how you look/feel is just that, being comfortable. I think it is unreasonable aiming for the feeling of I love my body 24/7, because there are going to be days that I look into the mirror and think I look pretty good, and there are going to be days I look in the mirror and think I look like Shrek’s brother. But you know what? That’s okay and perfectly natural. There are so many factors that affect how you look in your day-to-day life so of course your mind is going to change around this.
So, how do I start to feel more positive in my own skin?
Well, a lot of this comes down to you that is all down to you, but if there was any advice, I could give it is remembering those moments when you do look in the mirror and think “you know what I don’t look half bad”. Hold onto those and remember it on the days when you look in the mirror after only having 3 hours of sleep, you are in your comfy wear and have just demolished an entire pack of Oreos.
I have tried and tried to feel positive in my own skin and I just can’t.
I hear you; this is also a perfectly normal thing to feel. If it is that you are feeling this way, then maybe what you need is a little bit of change, which is also absolutely fine. There is this idea that you need to love yourself as you are, but sometimes, that’s not going to be the case and that is cause for change. But! Remember this change is for you and you alone.
As a starting point, ask yourself these questions:
What would it take for me to feel more comfortable in my body?
What am I willing to do to feel more comfortable?
From there, you can then decide the right course of action which is going to make you feel more positive in your own skin.
All in all, I just want to remind you that no matter your size, or how you look, if you feel comfortable and perfectly content, then you are absolutely smashing it!
Just a quick side note before I leave as well, never ever use the phrase “You’re not fat, you’re beautiful”, because you tend to find that people are both!