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Hello and Introductions!

Updated: Jul 11, 2023

A portrait of Jake, the founder of Fat Brain

Hi there!

I am Jake, founder, owner and only member of Fat Brain. Welcome to my blog! I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and to read this introduction as let’s be honest, I wouldn’t. I would just skim through and be like “yeah, I think I got the gist of that.” So again, I appreciate it!

Now you may be asking yourself, what is this blog all about? With it being call Fat Brain is it going to be about losing weight, or body types, or diets, or cooking or is it something else completely? Well, the answer is… something else completely! This blog is dedicated to me sharing my thoughts and ideas with the world, I have a lot of them, and one day I thought to myself; “well I am sure someone would be interested in reading them.” So, here we are. You may notice that my writing style is quite conversational, this is because I write as the thoughts come to me, so it is as if I am talking to you through the page. If it’s not for you then I totally understand.

A couple of things that I want to touch upon before you go exploring the wild mess that is my brain. Firstly, it is very rare that I will back up what I am saying with facts or statistics. This is because what I am saying is truly just my thoughts and opinions based on observations that I have made with my time on earth so far. I just want to throw this out there, as at no point am I saying that what is written is fact or truth, it is just a thought process.

This leads me onto my second point which is that you are allowed to disagree with me, I would never fight anyone that disagrees with me because just I have laid out here, these are just opinions. That does not mean I would not be down for a healthy debate, however, that is as far as it goes. At no point am I going to say that what I am writing is right or wrong, and if it is that you do not resonate with what is being said then that is perfectly okay. If you do, then great! You are your own person with your own thoughts and feeling.

Overall, the aim of all of this is to just encourage free thinking, whether you agree or disagree, I hope that at least one of my posts triggers something in you that causes you to stop, think and reflect on yourself.

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About Me

Picture of Jake, the founder of Fat Brain

Hi there, at Fat Brain, I am dedicated to helping people from all walks of life by getting them to share their thoughts and ideas. I believe in trying to look at life with a realistic but positive mindset. I truly think that everyone has something valuable to bring to the table. I strive to create an online space where people can come together to share their stories, learn from each other, and be inspired by the collective wisdom of this community. 


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