Do You Want To Live A Life Of What Ifs?
Updated: Jul 11, 2023
There have been a few times when I have spoken to my friends/family, and we have talked about achieving goals and dreams.
This tends to lead to the conversation of doubts and obstacles that get in the way, and which can leave them deflated, causing them to backtrack and ultimately talk themselves out of taking that step to achieve what they want. Don’t get me wrong, I am also guilty of this, taking risks is hard, and it is much harder to see the finish line when you feel it is so far away.
When this happens, I ask one simple question:
Do you want to live a life of what ifs?

To break it down, the question is simply asking, do you want to live your life wondering if you are ever going to achieve what you desire, or how are you going to achieve everything you have ever wanted, instead of just doing it?
Of course, life is a lot more complicated than just doing it, there are going to be a lot of challenges that get in the way, but personally, I feel it is better to try and fail, than to not try at all, as if you do not try at all, you simply continue to ask the question what if.
Once we fall into this pit of what if, it can leave us deflated and unfulfilled in life. We constantly crave more but that is all it stays at, a craving, which then can lead down a road of negative emotions which no one wants to go through.
If you want something, then aim towards that goal, there is no shame in getting halfway through, realising that you don’t want to do it and finding something else. There is no shame in failing if it goes wrong. So, with that in mind, what have you got to lose?
That is not me saying that whatever you go for you won’t succeed, but the fear of failure can be one of the biggest things that stops someone from taking that step. Without that step, you yourself can make your life a life of what if. I do just want to point out that failure is not the end of the road as well, failure is simply a part of the journey.
So, if you have something in mind that you want to achieve, take that step, make that leap, and walk the journey that can lead to a more fulfilled life.
If you want to find out how you can use failure to help you succeed, click the link below to read my failure is not the finish line article.